Flowers in my Vegetable Garden

During the winter I plan the garden, order seeds, start seedlings, wait (and sometimes neglect) plants as days move forward into spring.

I plant and water and wait some more, this time for the bounty or just the chance to pick a strawberry, a snap pea or a bite-size tomato and pop it into my mouth. Nothing makes me feel quite so healthy and virtuous!

Yesterday I looked over the plants, fresh from a new rain. I noticed a pretty cream-colored bloom with a deep red center hidden low underneath the leaves that I had watched develop for weeks. It was an Okra blossom and a beautiful morning surprise.

I looked around and realized that there were lots of flowers in my vegetable garden, easily overlooked as I looked for signs of the harvest crop.

So, my gratitude is to the Okra- as pretty a flower as any you will find in my garden today.

A reminder to enjoy today.

And leave room to notice the small things that may be hidden underneath the big plans and expectations.